Chapter 9 Blue Coats

Chapter 9  Blue Coat

Blue Coat

Thomas shared with Alice the connection between her squirrel illustrations and Beatrix Potter, a renowned children’s author who once frequented their shop for pigments. Potter, particularly interested in Ultramarine Blue for Peter Rabbit’s coat, chose a specific shade from their collection, contributing to the character’s iconic imagery.

Thomas explained how Potter’s love for nature and her detailed illustrations of animal characters, especially Peter Rabbit, were brought to life with high-quality pigments like Ultramarine Blue. Potter’s work not only immortalized Peter Rabbit but also reflected her significant contributions to the Lake District’s conservation.

In their workshop, filled with an air of mystique, Thomas prepared to reveal the secrets of Ultramarine Blue to Alice. He shared the history of Lapis Lazuli, the stone used to create the pigment, emphasizing its rarity and the intricate process of transforming it into the vibrant blue used by artists like Vermeer and Da Vinci.

Thomas also discussed synthetic Ultramarine, developed in the 1800s, and its production at the Dolly Blue Works factory in the Lake District, highlighting its impact on art and industry.

As they delved into the pigment's history, a storm brewed outside, setting a dramatic backdrop for their workshop. The serene environment inside contrasted with the gathering tempest, hinting at an impending disruption.

This calm was shattered by a loud crash and cursing from outside. Investigating the noise, Thomas and Alice encountered Rowland, a gaunt figure soaked by the storm, who forced his way into their sanctuary. Rowland’s unexpected entrance brought tension, challenging Thomas’s ideals with his pragmatic views on art and commerce.

Rowland’s bitterness and ambition were palpable as he threatened to undermine Thomas’s work with commercial competition. Despite the storm’s chaos and Rowland’s menacing presence, Thomas stood firm in his convictions, emphasizing the value of integrity in their craft.

The confrontation ended with Thomas expelling Rowland into the storm, reaffirming their dedication to their artistic principles. The workshop, once again isolated from the tempest’s fury, remained a bastion of creativity and tradition amidst the challenges of the outside world.

< Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10 >

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