For Book Subscribers

Invitation for Subscribers
to the inspirational New Colour Makers Novel

Join the Creative Journey: You can Shape the Colour Makers Book!

Welcome to a unique opportunity to be a part of a literary adventure!

As we gear up to release our latest book, we're inviting you, our cherished subscribers, to leave your mark on its pages. If you've pre-ordered the book, you have a special chance to suggest scenarios, characters, or twists that could find their way into our story.

It's not just our book; it's a canvas for your imagination too! Your Ideas and Experiences will enrich the inspirational novel to encourage artists and readers that dare to dream.

Your unique ideas will help us weave a tale that’s rich and multifaceted and help artists fulfil their dreams.

You can share in the excitement and the success; after all, you helped shape it!

Join a community of creative minds, all contributing to an uplifting masterpiece.

How It Works:

  1. Submit Your Idea: Use the form below to send us your suggestions - be it a plot twist, a character trait, or just an experience based on your journey as an artist - perhaps your first exhibition.
  2. Selection Process: Our editorial team will review all submissions, looking for ideas that best fit the narrative and theme of our book.
  3. Acknowledgment: If your idea is selected, you'll receive a special mention in the book's acknowledgments section!


  • While we're excited about your suggestions, our editorial team will make the final decisions to keep the story cohesive.
  • We appreciate every idea, though not all can be included in this book.
  • By submitting your ideas, you agree that they become part of the creative commons for this project.
  • Our commitment to quality means we'll weave your ideas in a way that maintains the integrity of the story.

FAQ Section:

  • Can I submit more than one idea? Absolutely! Feel free to send as many ideas as you'd like.
  • Will I be credited for my idea? Selected ideas will receive acknowledgment in the book’s credits.
  • What happens if my idea is not chosen? We value all submissions and encourage you to share your creativity, even if not all ideas can be included.


  • "I'm thrilled to contribute to a story that I'm already so excited about!" - Jane D.
  • "What a unique way to engage with a book before it's even published!" - Amir K.

Haven't pre-ordered yet?

Join the journey now and help shape the story that's already capturing hearts.

My Ideas for the Colour Maker Book

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